
Memories of Costa Rica

Because we are getting ready to leave Costa Rica, I am doing an acrostic of memories of living here and things I love about Costa Rica.

C - Climate- I love the climate here!
O - Oceans - If anyone knows me they know I love the beach, and Costa Rica's beaches are so different.
S - Spanish - Learning the spanish language has been fun and a lot of work but I LOVE it!
T - Time - We have had lots of time with great friends here that we will never forget.
A - Appreciation - The feeling I have for all of the people who pray & support us to spread God's love.

R - Repetition - The more you say a word, the easier it is to stay.
I - Irreplaceable - We have made some wonderful friends who are irreplaceable.
C - Confusion - Have you ever sat through a class in a language that you don't know?
A - Absolutely in awe of the beauty of this country.