
From Cold Water to A Hot Frying Pan

Our first trimester of language school is coming to an end.  As I reflect on this trimester it brings tears of joy and sadness.  Our family arrived in San Jose, Costa Rica on January 5th to learn the spanish language and culture of Latin America.  Although we have learned a lot of spanish and culture we have also learned so much about God and life in general.

We had been warned about culture shock but shortly into our time here culture shock became very real to our entire family.  We missed our church in the US, our friends and family, the food, the language, we missed everything.  Several of our friends and even people we do not know from the US have sent us cards and gifts and that has helped us tremendously to adjust to this new country.

We have no doubt of the calling that is on our lives because of the opposition we face.


  1. HELLO, My beautiful cousin......I would love to have a mailing address for you guys! I am glad you are loving it there.But sure would love to see you all. Please let me know when you will be visiting back to NC please so I can make plans to come visit. OK ttys I love you all....May you all stay Blessed

  2. Mailing address Apartado 509-2010 Zapote, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. We will be home in December for a few weeks before heading to Mexico.
